Shorter PRM case studies
This is cool. The PRM case studies have become shorter to be more relevant and not exhaustive for students. This is much easier for my preparation.
Here is the letter I got from the exam manager...
Here is the letter I got from the exam manager...
From: PRMIA Member Services []
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:21 PM
To: Enkannathan, Omkumar
Subject: IMPORTANT – Changes to PRM and Associate PRM Case Studies
Dear Omkumar,
Please be aware that four of the case studies used by both the PRM and the Associate PRM exam material have been changed. These are the case studies for LTCM, Riggs Bank, National Australia Bank and Barings.
The previous case studies were very long and disproportionate to the number of relevant exam questions. We have replaced these four with shorter versions in order to make studying easier.
Please note that no exam questions have changed and that the answers to all questions are contained in the new material. Students who have studied the longer versions will be in no way disadvantaged. The longer versions have been retained on the website for those who may wish to read these as well – but this is not necessary for passing the exams.
If you have any questions please contact the PRMIA Exam Manager, John Downing
With Regards,
PRMIA Member Services